Park City History

Park City History
When silver was discovered in Park City’s Wasatch Mountains, little did the first Parkites know the peaks, valleys and transformational evolution their newly discovered home would undergo before arriving where we are today. From silver boom to ghost town, to on-the-rise ski spot to world-renowned luxury mountain vacation destination, Park City locals have never had a problem grooming new terrain.
Nestled between Park City’s two world-class resorts lies the heart of where it all began. Historic Main Street has been home to generations of small business owners who have staked their livelihoods on the success of their beloved mountain town. Although storefronts have changed over the years, the historic district’s business community thrives on anticipating the shifting needs of its proud residents and loyal visitors.
The Historic Park City Alliance devotes their efforts to promoting the more than 200 local businesses that reside on or near Park City’s Historic Main Street today. Restaurants and bars serve every palate, cozy accommodations house overnight travelers, while boutiques and specialty shops provide all the necessities, amenities and priceless tokens from an unforgettable visit to a destination rich with history and overflowing with possibilities.
As the community’s official gathering place, Main Street welcomes thousands each year to open-air markets, al fresco dining, world-renowned arts festivals and gallery strolls, and plenty of opportunities to celebrate cherished traditions, the changing of the seasons and, most of all, each other.
While it may have been the mountains that drew you in, it will certainly be the people who keep you here. Those who have dared to invest in themselves for the sake of serving others are truly the heart of Park City, and we invite you to join us as we write the next chapter of our city’s legacy.